Keyless Entry Vehicles security

Published: 29 June 2021

Thieves can target vehicles which have keyless entry systems using digital scanners allowing the car to be unlocked without a trace of forced entry or damage.

Regular remote locking fobs which require the car owner to press a button are not vulnerable to these crimes, it is only those cars which allow the owner to approach and unlock the car with the keys still in their pocket.

Advice for drivers with concerns about car security:

1. Understand the digital functions of your car: do you have a keyless entry system? If so, can the fob be switched off overnight? Speak to your dealer about software updates and whether new key fobs with added security are available.

2. Store keys away from household entry points: a keyless fob should be stored as far into your home as is possible, hampering a criminal’s ability to detect and relay its signal.

3. Signal blocking pouches (Faraday pouches) will block the signal from a keyless entry fob. Keeping your keyless entry fob out of sight is not enough – thieves only need to gain proximity to the key to amplify the signal. Don’t forget about your spare key! Make sure you test your signal blocking pouch or choose one that has the Secured by Design accreditation.